Sunday, December 16, 2007


I only have a minute or two...lunches for school (that somehow wasn't cancelled despite the snow storm) still need to be made & it is late.

The boys went skiing. Kevin really has his eye on snowboarding....maybe next year. This is their 2nd time ever going...but Mike bought ski's for them Saturday so I am sure there is more skiing in their future!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Visiting Santa

WE FOUND THE REAL SANTA...! For those who were looking for him, he sems to be hiding out at Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. Don't ask us why he choose Dearborn but we are glad we found him! He gives the best presents just for visiting him (little Ty Christmas mouses). Really this was the BEST Santa experience ever (and I have 33 years of experience in this Christmas business).

Here is a movie of the kids visiting with him today. Kevin was so nervous about meeting the REAL Santa (he knows there is a lot of fakes out there....7 year olds know EVERYTHING already).

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Before thanksgiving dinner Scotty & I had everyone write down what they were thankful for on a turkey feather, then we put the feathers on our turkey.

Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Thanksgiving Program

Things are very busy in our house since the arrival of the new baby. He cries alot and seems to get overwhelmed easily...never a good thing if you have two very active older brothers. White noise seems to help a little. Swaddling doesn't seem to help. Looking for ideas.....or hope.

Kevin @ Gymnastic's

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Fall Fridays


>Here are more pics of the boys. It was a week of parties. AKA lots of candy. I secretly donated a majority of it to hubby's coworkers. Though I think he did his fair share of 'getting rid of it' ....

Hope to see everyone in their costumes when I FINALLY get to catching up!

Thanks for checking in on us.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Jake starts to coo

Jake smiled back for the first time yesterday and over the last couple of days we have heard a couple of coo's out of him. Scotty is really enjoying preschool, espcially Fridays on the Tumblebus. Kevin is a full of energy, especially when they have in door recess. He was all bounces and jumps when he came home from school yesterday.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Grammie & Pappy came to visit

Grammie and Pappy came to meet Jake and visit with Kevin and Scotty (us too but we are old hat). The kids loved having them around. Jake doesn't really do much yet except eat, sleep and need to have his diaper changed.

Scotty is getting more gentle with Jake it seems as time goes on. And Kevin (along with all of the other neighborhood boys) are just delighted to have a baby around. All is good if I could just get some decent sleep!!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Sarah's New Dog

Aunt Sarah's new dog is a hit!!! Both Rebecca and I had our new babies within days of eachother and Sara, was not going to be left out of the maternal she went & got a dog!!!! My boys love the new dog!

Saturday, September 8, 2007


It is HOT!!!! Some people think it is a no good, nothing can go right kind of day....can't you tell by the pictures????

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

Scotty figured out on his own how to make balloon animals after watching daddy make a few. While daddy was talking to Grammie on the phone he sat down with a balloon and started twisting it this way and that. Low and behold he had made a balloon doggy without any assitance!!!! Here he is pictured with his first balloon animal.

Mike and Scotty took up lobster water wrestling. The new inflatable toy was lots of fun for all!!

Kevin danced up a storm with his Aunt Laura and cousin at Uncle Brad's wedding.

Grandpa even got in on the lobster water fun on Labor Day.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Busy Last Days of Summer

We have had lots of summer fun on the lakes around our area. Here is a picture of Scotty and his friend at our friends beach.

My stepbrother Steve was married yesterday. It was a perfect day for an outdoor wedding. Mia is from Estonia. Her and Steve dressed in traditional Estonia celebration outfits. Wondering where in the world is Estonia? Here is a map.

The small reception was held on the Queen Mary II.

Today Mike and Scotty did a little painting around the house. Here is what that looked like....

Friday, August 17, 2007

Mommy's Pink Fuzzy Slippers

Scotty is really curious about what life is going to be like after baby, he has even taken up watching a Baby Story on TLC. He calls it the baby TV show. We have discussions all the time now about how to hold a baby properly, what to feed him (not lunch meat!!!), and the fact that mommy will have to go to the hospital for a couple of days. He and Kevin have been really curious about how in the world is that baby going to get out of mommy's stomach?? To which, when they watched TLC they immediately related it to being a little like having a painful bowl movement. It was getting difficult to explain it to them until they watched a Baby Story for the first time. Then the light went on and I have yet to get that question for the 51st time. Now they are more than happy to tell any stranger... "Mommy is going to have to poop this baby out!" followed always with some giggles. Ahhh...boys....

Kevin isn't as curious; he kind of has the 'been there, done that' attitude, with the exception of the science part of it. How did it get there? How big is he now? Even though I don't think he remembers when Scotty was a baby because he was just 2 1/2 himself; he seems to have a pretty good idea that this is going to a huge change and he isn't so sure he is going to like it. I am sure this will be a major transition for all of us since it has been so long since we had a baby around.

School is right around the corner and I find myself trying to get everything ready all at once. Kevin will be going to a new school this year and Scotty will be going to Pre-school for the first time ever. He has been going to daycare once or twice a week, depending on my schedule. I am hoping this baby will hold out until at least the 2nd week of September, if not a little later. I am just bracing for him to come the first day of school!!!!

It feels like a hot summer to me. We have been enjoying swimming and the lake, but I am not so apt to take the boat out on my own during the day this summer as I don't feel like a safe boat driver right now.

Friday, August 10, 2007

more favorites

Some of my favorite pictures from this summer

A little piece of Heaven on Earth

This isn't really family related, other than it is the view from across the street from us. Who says heaven isn't here on earth?

Thanks for checking in on us!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Some tubin fun

Kevin has taken an interest in tubbing! He is also helping Scotty get brave enough to try it out, at low speed of course! We are so excited!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Time has flown by!

The whole nesting mode has really set in for me. I am cleaning out the house, lots of trips to salvation army!

Kevin and Scotty have been enjoying their summer. The beginning of July we joined the Virgina Herr's (Grammie and Pappy) and Forest (Mike's sister's family) families for our annual beach vacation in Maryland. It is something our two boys (especially Kevin) look forward to each year. Lots of fun was had with cousins, Grammie and Pappy and Daddy who is the biggest super hero of them all because he can think up ways to entertain 4 boys like no one else I know!!!

Last week Kevin and Scotty went to an All Sports Camp together. Kevin made a new friend and Scotty just thought it was cool to have his older brother with him. This week is back to the normal routine for us.

The baby is growing and seems to be progressing fine. I came down with the flu over the weekend and ended up at the hospital for dehydration. I felt much better after the IV and anti-nausea meds. I am always amazed and how much better my complexion looks after having an IV. But then dehydration does nothing for the complexion itself and any re-hydration is going to make it look better I guess. ;-)

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Vote in our baby name poll

No need to log in, just cast your vote on your favorite name for baby boy #3.

Vote for Baby Name

Monday, May 14, 2007

Lordy, Lordy its been 40!

This past weekend we helped Fred and Bonnie celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary with a surprise party! And they thought they were coming for a quiet Mother's Day dinner.....

Friday, May 4, 2007

Its going to be a another boy!

The whole family was there for the ultrasound. Though Kevin and Scotty almost seemed much more interested in the goo they put on my stomach to do the ultrasound than the baby. But we saw him move, heard the heartbeat and were even able to see the blood flowing through the heart.

We are all very excited about the new little boy coming!!!


Sunday, April 29, 2007

Play Guess Baby MI Herr's Birthdate, Gender and other Stats Game

Try to guess when our baby will be born, the gender, the weight and length. You only have a couple of days until we announce the gender so make your guesses soon!!!!

Click the box below to play. I am interested to see who is the closest in most accurate guess...Take Care!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

It was daddy and his boys day. I went to work, as I typically do on Saturdays, and Mike took Kevin and Scotty to a birthday party, Kevin's Karate class, then to a rumage sale, the park stopping for slurpies of course and then to the local gardening center to buy more roses (I am very excited about that!!!). Everyone was in a good mood when I got home from work, that always makes me happy. When I got home Kevin helped me weed the garden and Mike planted some of the roses he bought. Then I went in to make dinner while Kevin and Scotty played the new game they got at the rumage sale. I will try to add some of the pictures Mike took today. Hopefully it works! Rachel

Welcome to the MIchigan Herr's Blog

I am getting really bad a sending emails updating everyone on our two growing boys and the one on the way. So I am trying to simplify as am I am sure that I may only get worse at this as we start to prepare for baby #3!!!!!

Hopefully Mike will help with the updates too (hint, hint honey!)


PS Play our Guess the Baby Game! Just click the box below and enter your guess and see what others have guessed! Hurry, we find out what the gender is May 2nd!!!!