Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Jake starts to coo

Jake smiled back for the first time yesterday and over the last couple of days we have heard a couple of coo's out of him. Scotty is really enjoying preschool, espcially Fridays on the Tumblebus. Kevin is a full of energy, especially when they have in door recess. He was all bounces and jumps when he came home from school yesterday.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Grammie & Pappy came to visit

Grammie and Pappy came to meet Jake and visit with Kevin and Scotty (us too but we are old hat). The kids loved having them around. Jake doesn't really do much yet except eat, sleep and need to have his diaper changed.

Scotty is getting more gentle with Jake it seems as time goes on. And Kevin (along with all of the other neighborhood boys) are just delighted to have a baby around. All is good if I could just get some decent sleep!!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Sarah's New Dog

Aunt Sarah's new dog is a hit!!! Both Rebecca and I had our new babies within days of eachother and Sara, was not going to be left out of the maternal she went & got a dog!!!! My boys love the new dog!