Thursday, March 13, 2008

Bingo Night

Tonight was Bingo night at the Ronald McDonald House in Memphis. Kevin won twice and brought back a game called Ants in the Pants and a Spiderman toy. Kevin is starting to eat a little but will only eat Chef Boy R Dee and Hagendas Ice Cream. The Chef Boy R Dee makes me cringe every time he eats it. I know it isn't good for him, but a calorie is a calorie. He is like a pregnant woman, his tastes are changing and he isn't sure what he is going to like one moment to the next.
Kevin is starting to have some of the side affects from radiation, but it is manageable right now. Jake seems to have some sort of bug and I am trying to get a doctor for him, but our insurance doesn't cover more than an emergency room. They have these social workers who are suppose to help with these types of problems, but I was told today that I really should have someone here helping me with the boys. I haven't been more offended in a long time. Like any of us have a choice; or I should choose one child over the other?!? Like I am not accepting help! This is a horrible thing no one ever expects to happen. Yes, I do see whole families here and I am not sure how they do it. There are women here with one child who has a mother or mother in-law helping them. That isn't happening here. It is no one's fault. It is just the situation. I have to deal with it, why can't they? Why does she have to insinuate I choose this situation? I am only trying to get the best care I can for my very sick child. No mother should have to choose one child over the other. Hopefully I am just being overly sensitive because I just want to give her a dirty look for being an idiot.

1 comment:

Diane Hanewich (Erik's mom) said...

Hang in there Rachel. Some people are just insensitive. Although you would hope a social worker would get it. You are doing a great job in a terrible situation. Know that everyone here is behind you and your family 100%. Prayers for Kevin, as always.