Friday, July 11, 2008

Same old Kevin

As Rachel wrote, Kevin's doing quite well. We had a short day at the hospital, although we both would've rather slept in a little. He ate an entire Happy Meal, which quite honesty is as good or better then he was before he was sick. We ran some errands, and have been back at the Target House now for a couple hours. He's been infatuated with a Lego's Dragon Fortress we picked up while at Walgreens. He's even assembled much of it himself, which is actually geat practice for his fine motor skills. Overall he's on schedule if not ahead. Another positive I've noticed this afternoon, is that we're hanging out at the Target House, he's not lied down once. He's been sitting straight up, active, and talkative. As for me, I slept almost 7 hours, which is probably about the sum of hours I've slept in Michigan Sunday through Wednesday night. I guess it's not too hard to figure out that my body and mind is much more at ease while I'm here with Kevin. If Kevin can endure all he's had to go through at 7 years old, I think I can probably handle not getting enough sleep a few days a week. Thankfully I'm able to catch up here in Memphis. Kevin Rachel and crew plan on going to the Peabody this evening to watch the Ducks march from the elevator the the water. I've wanted to see this, but I think I'll use the couple of hours of free time to go for a run. Kevin's MRI's are next week. From everything I've heard, this is not the time that cancer typically re-occurs. Still, we could use all the positve thoughts and prayers that Kevin's MRI and lumbar puncture are 100% clean. I don't know I'll ever get use to the everything 3 month MRI process we'll endure for quite some time. But I'm very optimistic that Kevin will remain cancer free.

Sitting here writting this next to Kevin, I think I realize what I miss most about him when I'm in Michigan. He loves to watch cartoons, and parrott funny lines from certain episodes, then follow it with his trademark laugh. His laugh has always been contagious.

Take Care,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Eric..I'm so happy to hear he's doing so well :-) It sounds like your doing well too. I know it's hard to have to go home to work, but your back every week before you know it. It warms my heart to hear the everyday stories about Kevin building leggos, watching toons or being his regular self..I love reading that!! It gives us all hope too. He's so strong and so are you. I'll keep him in my prayers regarding the upcoming tests. Tell him I'm sending him his usual ucky hug and kiss virtually!!!!